Monday, January 28, 2008


Went to Vegas over the weekend with the fam and thomas. Had a splendid time. Made out with 130 bucks between thomas and that was a nice bonus.

Let's see...anything else noteworthy???? hmmmmmmm......I watched Wit again last night. I really love that film. It's one of the smartest and most profound movies i've ever seen. Emma Thompson is at her best. If you haven't seen it, find it. You might have to do some digging. It was an HBO movie, so not excatly a blockbuster, but it will be well worth your time.

This is rather boring isn't it...

gypsy on


Rob Dennis said...

We need to talk sometime. kind of about the bible character blog

Crazy Crutchers said...

hey!! i miss you too! hope you and the to-mas are doing well. it was good to hear from you. if you are out there when i am for lectures in april we need to catch up. talk to you later PEACE

Arly said...

I thought you were going to tell us that you and Thomas eloped. :) Hahahahahaha.