Thursday, January 29, 2009

64 Days

Danielle tagged me and I'm sucker so.....
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I still have a baby tooth.

2. I have to limit my peanut butter intake (i only eat natural btw) because i have a tendency to eat an entire jar with a spoon in a matter of days

3. I hate when people run their windshield wipers too fast.

4. I've never done a single illegal drug. I took my DARE pledge very seriously.

5. I like holiday themed socks and underwear A LOT

6. I can't spell. The only reason I don't have documents chock full of misspellings is because i read a lot and when i misspell something it just "looks wrong" and then i can figure it out.

7. I applied to NYU as a microbiology major and Pepperdine as an English major (ya i applied to two schools and thats it.) I ended up with the degree I have today because my parents thought NYU was really far away and I was happy to go to a school on the beach.

8. I don't like donuts, ranch dressing, mayonaise, or sour cream

9. Seriously this is only number 9? when i get married i only want a wedding band, no diamond, emerald, or anything else

10. I get scared easily. Scary movies scare me, i get scared in the car when my arm is out the window cause i imagine the car flipping over and then i'll only have one arm, I imagine falling off my bike and into the Niger when i cross the bridges, i think about planes crashing as soon as i get on one.....i think the root of all this fear is an extremely over active imagination. I deal though, and it generally doesn't affect me unless i'm sleeping in a house by myself....then i have nights when i can't sleep because along with the imagination comes a lot of dreams, some scary.

11. I really love disneyland/disneyworld. I know i shouldn't, but they make me really happy. I hate the "princess" thing and girls should not want to be flippin snow white they should want to be astronauts but there is nothing like main street holding hands with thomas. the place really is magic

12. speaking of holding hands, i love farmer's markets. holding hands and fruit go together.

13. I don't believe God has a "plan for my life" uh oh, i just scared my mom and made several people uncomfortable...sorry! hehe

14. I love traveling. not the kind where you go for a week and be a tourist, the kind where you are "in it" and live the culture. whether it's mali, italy, honduras, wyoming, maine, DC, mexico...etc. i don't just want to visit i want to live there....

15. I really really really wish i believed in reincarnation. i wanna be reincarnated.

16. I listen to This American Life every week ( i can podcast it)

17. Peace Corps is by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

18. If i won the lottery i would go to school and get like 30 Bachelors degrees. Probaby a couple masters and MAYBE a PhD....mostly i like broad spectrum education though.

19. I don't like my belly button touched. I don't even touch it. Isn't that weird?

20. I "know" (i use the term loosely) seven languages. English, Spanish, Italian, Portugease, French, Hebrew, Bambara. Again....i use the word know, but it's more like I'm FAMILIAR with seven languages

21. I'm really ridiculously in love with thomas.

22. My favorite UFC fighter is George St. Pierre.

23. I love to cook and i love wearing aprons.

24. I love the zoo but i have inner conflict because i dont' think they should exist....going to the zoo is one of my vices.

25. I love to read philosophy, LOVE. Like nerdy would-rather-read-philosophy-than-go-party kind of love.

If you have a blog and you read this consider yourself tagged since i'm pretty sure less than 25 people read this lol

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