The cats are getting huge! So cute. New Years Pics here
New Years was fun...for New Years. It's one of my least favorite holidays of the year. It ends the holiday "season" and it's so anti-climactic. But it was as good as I could ask for. I went with my pilot friends to their boss' house for good south african sausage (to die for) and champagne. We lit some fireworks and just had a nice relaxing evening.
In other news, Thomas sent me the BEST PACKAGE EVER! Okay sorry to everyone else that sent me one, I'm fairly biased being I'm in love with him, but still it was great. I got whipped honey, my favorite cookies, jelly beans, gummy bears, and the BEST CD EVER. It's a movie cd of his trip to portland and a few of my favorite people starred. I got to see Andrew running around the pumpkin patch, my mom laughing with thomas, and my dad wondering about with goats. Not to mention my Nathan and Kristi's beautiful shining happy faces :)
It really made my day. My month, actually...possibly even more than that. Thanks sweetheart, love you.
In other news, school might actually start. They've started registering students and I was told that perhaps in 2 weeks we'd actually begin. I'm translating that to within the month. I'm really hoping. I love climbing, playing sports, cooking and hanging out with my friends....but life seems to lack much meaning lately. Could really use a purpose.
Gypsy on!
1 comment:
hi there, my name is jenn morgan and i'm a pcv in benin. i'm comming to mali with some other volunteers for vacation this month and someone passed me a link to your blog when i started asking questions about mali. i'm hoping you might be able to help me out. i was told that there are work stations/transit houses where volunteers can stay but no one knows in what towns they are in. i've contacted the pc safety and security guy there and have not heard back from him so i was hoping you could help.
i hope you're having a great time. i've heard nothing but wonderful things about mali.
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