Wednesday, January 28, 2009

66 Days

66 Days til I meet my Mom, Dad, and Thomas in AMSTERDAM! WOOT! ya you heard it here first i'm actually going to see that handsome man i call mine AND my awesome parents. I'm so excited!

Classes are going well, except there are still no freshmen. But all the same my British Studies class is plowing through the material. The major problem i'm running into is that they refuse to ask questions when they don't understand. I will say

"do you know what an ox is?"
--blank stares-
"okay if you don't know a word in the text be sure and ask. An ox is similar to a cow"
-oooooo nodding heads but blank stares--
I get suspicious here and say - "Do you know what a cow is?"
--blank stares--
"I don't know the word in french, but in bambara it is Misi"
--finally they get it, and they laugh cause their white american professor knows bambara-

First they don't ask when they don't understand originally, then they don't ask when they don't understand the's an uphill battle. But it's still a lot of fun, and I'm really enjoying my time with my students.

The kittens are getting big and soon at least one will be leaving the house :( I've got to call the vet and get their shots and get Phoebe fixed and maybe Gizmo (i want to keep her....) They are a lot of fun and have a grand time playing in my room every morning and evening.

Hope you are all well, go eat something good and American today and dedicate it to me :)

Gypsy on!

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