I've started pod casting Imago Dei's sermons each week. This month Rick started an indepth study of 1 Corinthians. I highly recommend you tune in. When I started attending Imago he was doing the same sort of study with Romans, quite possibly the best series I've ever heard. Rick takes each verse and unpacks it. Literally each one. He's guessing it will take a year to finish the series. A YEAR! That dude is committed, and so is that congregation. Short attention spans need not apply. I've listened to the first two sermons so far, and although they aren't stellar, if you read the first 15 verses of the book, well...he's not got a ton to work with. Can't wait til he gets to the nitty gritty, these first few weeks are just set ups for the rest of the book. If you are interested click HERE.
I also added a few links over there on the side bar of people I find interesting. I've been reading most of them for quite some time now and find them thought provoking. Highly recommend Internet Monk and Bitch PhD. I like opposites.
Other than my stomach, things in Mali are quiet. I baked some box carmelita bars today that tasted like heaven...thanks mom and Betty Crocker. I've started working with an NGO called CRS, Catholic Relief Services, they do all sorts of things in Mali like Malaria prevention, and health care, etc. I'm simply showing up twice a week to sit with their Malian employees and help them practice their English by discussing whatever topic is interesting for the day...American elections, Islam, whatever. To advance in their professional lives, they need English...I'm happy to oblige.
Peace Corps finally gave us our bikes. They had been stuck in customs for quite some time, but they are worth the wait. Brand new Trek bikes! I've already started using mine to get around. Don't worry I wear a helmet, Peace Corps will kick me out if I don't.
Gypsy on!
***EDIT*** I'm making marinara sauce now. When I can't leave the house (well the bathroom) I get cagey. Being cagey makes me cook. I've never made marinara sauce...we'll see how it goes.
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