Friday, October 3, 2008

My cat is a hussy

A myseterious white boy cat is hanging around the house trying to get into bed with my little Phoebe.  Maybe I should go get her fixed or get her on birth control (ya they have it for cats).  Mali needs Bob Barker.

Speaking of animals...I love animals.  Phoebe eats ground beef, rice, and eggs for pete's sake.  That's better than I eat!  Sawyer (my cat back in Ameriki that thomas has) is the fattest cat I've ever seen.  He lives like a king.  I love dogs, our dog used to get her own happy meal at McDonalds (which led to some medical problems, but that was totally accidental).  I even think animals we eat should be treated nicely until they are butchered for my table.  And, although I absolutely LOVE the zoo, I am theoretically against its existence.

Anyway, clearly I am an animal lover.  However, I am also of the firm belief that people matter more.  As I walked down the dirt road today I noticed a sign pointing me in the direction of an organization name something along the lines of Animal Rights Abroad.  It wasn't that exactly, and I cant' manage to remember the name right now, but you get the idea.  Then I looked around sewers, malnutrition, destitute poverty, malaria, HIV/AIDS, THE THIRD POOREST FREAKING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD....and we are wasting someone's money, be it government or private, on protecting the animals of Mali.  

Now I"m not talking about the hippos that are chilling out in the south or the gators in the north, that I could at least understand....that's the environment and what not.  But no, this sign had a picture of a cow.  A COW!  Okay I know the sheep here have it bad, I mean they live in the sewers more or less, the dogs are kicked (I hate that), the donkey's are whipped and forced to carry HUGE loads, the cows eat out of the landfill, etc etc.  I just don't see how anyone could justify donating money to Mali for animals.  I mean 85% of the population here is illiterate!  Something like 1 in 5 kids die before they are 5 years old! Maybe we should address the bigger problems here before we start saving the goats from being mistreated.

Argh.  People are nutty.


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